Summer Foliage Combinations

Foliage Combinations

Combining different types of foliage and texture is important in making a garden look its best.  After blooms are gone various combinations of foliage along with the basic backbone of your garden can add impact.  An assortment of colorful evergreens displaying hues of golds, blues and greens when used along with shrubs and perennials in the landscape will provide interest all year round and give that additional “wow” factor to your space.

coral bells, sedge and euonymus

Use opposite colors on the color wheel to provide contrast by combining cool colors with warm. For example:  In this sun to part-shade garden, combining the dark burgundy foliage of Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’ with the golden foliage of the evergreen Euonymus ‘Gold Spot’ provides a nice contrast. Now adding the wispy foliage of Japanese Golden Sedge makes a perfect trio.


In a brighter and sunnier location grasses can be used along with evergreens to show a variety of texture while the grasses add movement to the garden as seen above.

hosta MINI Hosta Maui Buttercup

Foliage alone such as the lime-yellow coloration and interesting leaves of this Hosta ‘Maui Buttercups’ can add interest to a darker location…

coral bells assorted[1]

as well as this combination of Heuchera (Coral Bells) along with Juniper in a brighter area.

Garden design involves careful thought and consideration to combinations that will work over time and provide constant interest to either a sunny or shaded area. Foliage alone can also provide a beautiful setting when trying to achieve a low maintenance garden since foliage requires less management. Combining complementary colors along with various foliage and texture types will add interest and impact to your garden. For additional reading on foliage combinations also visit my other blog at A Guide to Northeastern Gardening.

As Always…Happy Gardening!

Author: Lee@Landscape Design By Lee, 2013, All Rights Reserved

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Identifying Poison Ivy in the Landscape

poison ivy
Poison Ivy Summer

Poison Ivy has been abundant the past few summer and fall seasons.  As a precaution keep an eye out for this inhabitant in your garden.  Poison Ivy is known for its three pointed lobed leaves and is an irritant in all phases.  The leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy all contain the oils involved in causing an allergic reaction in much of the population.  Poison Ivy is often found in wooded areas so be careful when working in these locations.

poison ivy
Poison Ivy in Fall

Poison Ivy can be eliminated with an herbicide such as Round Up but be careful when spraying since herbicides will kill everything in the vicinity of where the spray lands.  If your skin is exposed to Poison Ivy wash immediately with soap and water to remove the oils and also remove clothing that has come in contact and launder with a strong detergent.  When Poison Ivy turns red in fall it is still highly irritating so beware.

Bookmark these photos and when you are working in your garden be proactive and keep an eye out for this toxic plant.

As Always…Happy Gardening!

Author:  Lee@Landscape Design By Lee, 2013, All Rights Reserved

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