April Garden Maintenance Tips-Happy Spring!

crocusSpring has arrived and there is much to do in the garden.  As the temperatures rise up into the 50’s and 60’s here on Long Island here are some April maintenance tips to get your garden off to a good start.

(1)  Clean up garden beds and remove debris from over the winter.  Allow foliage from daffodils, crocus and hyacinths to yellow and brown before removing so that energy can go back into the bulbs for next year.

(2)  Pinch back cool weather blooms such as pansies to get maximum bloom span.

(3) Remove germinating weeds before they start to flower and re-seed.

(4)  Divide and transplant perennials such as hosta, liriope and lilies once you see 3-4 inches of new growth. Dig a larger hole to transplant into, apply a slow release plant food and water in thoroughly.

(5) Re-Edge and mulch all beds.  Prune spring-flowering trees and shrubs soon after bloom.

(6) It’s time to uncover fig trees or to bring them outside once the threat of freezing temperatures is over.

(7) Start cold weather vegetables such as peas, lettuce, carrots, beets, spinach and turnips.

(8) Apply pre-emergent crabgrass killer to lawn in mid to late April (after forthysia bloom) and fertilize.

(9) Fertilize roses.  There are many rose foods on the market.  A slow-release granular form is recommended.

(10)  Begin planting new perennials towards the end of the month.

A little pro-active garden maintenance goes a long way in maintaining the vigor of your plants and beauty of your garden.  Now that the chill is out of the air it is time to get out into the garden and enjoy all that it has to offer.

Happy Gardening!

Author:  Lee@Landscape Design By Lee, 2013, All Rights Reserved

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